Tuesday, October 07, 2008

My Buy Viagra Reviews

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Stop! You're Both Right!

Cyberspace has certainly shrunk the margin of error ...

Colloquialisms used to take quite a while to become embedded in a local vernacular. For example, the Americans expunged the British from the colonies in 1789, but based upon personal letters exchanged between the two countries which have been noted by historians, it took until the 1830s before comments were made noticing a distinct difference in accents between them.

Local dialects will always be a fixture in geographical cultures. However, as more and more of us traverse both cyberspace and the real world, basic pronunciations are becoming a bit of an issue.

I just noticed this again in the world of sport, when a national broadcast featured the recent darlings of NCAA basketball, Gonzaga University from Spokane, Washington. The locals there insist that the name be stated as 'Gon-ZAEG-ah,' but inevitably, sports announcers from elsewhere defer to 'Gon-ZAHG-uh' until corrected by the locals.

However, the Gonzaga name has been a part of Italian history since the 1300s, and anyone who has studied it or been exposed to it from that much deeper context knows that the correct pronunciation is 'Gon-ZAHG-uh.' Ludovico Gonzaga not only established his family's dynasty over the Italian state of Mantua in 1328, but his family became a cultural and military force in that area for the better part of five centuries.

You'll even note that the Spokane university has an extension program in Italy and still steadfastly maintains its preference for the colloquial pronunciation. Trust me, in Europe, it's called 'Gon-ZAHG-uh.' However, alumni from the Spokane campus, from Bing Crosby to John Stockton, learned to refer to their alma mater as 'Gon-ZAEG-ah.'

This raises the age-old question of proper pronunciation etiquette, of course. Do we go with the traditional and accurate version of a proper name if we are aware of it or with the colloquial preferences which, for some reason, took hold in a certain area?

Another classic example is N�tre Dame. The correct French, of course, is 'Noht-ruh Dahm.' Use the Americanized version anywhere else in the world at the risk of being castigated as a hayseed. And yet, the Jesuit university based in South Bend, Indiana, obviously prefers the local pronunciation.

The universalization of products broaches the same issue. For example, the German beer 'L�wenbr�u' is pronounced 'LUH-ven-broy' everywhere except in English-speaking countries and the Swedish furniture store, IKEA, is universally stated as 'ee-KAY-uh.' Try pronouncing those in the proper way and it's odds-on you'll be met with a blank stare or looked upon as a snob. But, what have you done except say the name accurately?

Of course, in commercialism, it's the bottom line that dictates pronunciation. There is no better example than the legendary German shoe tycoon, Adi Dassler, who used his own name as the basis for his corporate image. While most of the world refers to his sporting footwear as 'AH-dee-dahs,' Americans somehow found a way to call it 'Uh-DEE-duhs.' Go figure. Dassler never minded, though. Dollars spent just as easily as any other currency.

Other famous names have been subject to colloquialization in their own right. In hockey, Teemu Selanne is a Finnish star who has been in the NHL for quite a while. He may have come to North America as 'TAE-moo SAY-lah-nuh,' but any hockey fan on the continent will know him only as 'TEE-moo Seh-LAH-nee.'

Sometimes, we even see the metamorphosis from universal to colloquial pronunciation occur before our very eyes. In baseball, Bill Mueller has been a solid generic viagra major-league baseball player since his debut with the San Francisco Giants in 1996 buy viagra. At that time, he went by the traditional German pronunciation of his surname of 'MYOO-luhr.' However, somewhere along the line, he decided and subsequently announced that his surname was best said aloud as 'Miller.' Who knows why? What does one do then? Correct someone on how to state his own name?

Actor Jake Gyllenh�ll has Swedish roots. His surname literally means 'Golden Way' and should cheap viagra be stated as 'YEE-lehn-hole.' North Americans find it easier to say 'JEE-lehn-hall.' I've never seen anything that indicates where Jake stands on the issue. He's probably too busy order viagra being talented and rich.

This is why I find it difficult to criticize anyone alternative to viagra who uses either pronunciation. It's a matter of context as to who's right. Like the famous breath-mint commercial says, they both are.

My rule of thumb is simple. In any situation, if there's more of them than there viagra are of you and pronunciation becomes a volatile issue, they're right. Otherwise, universality prevails.

Soccer Jerseys - A Fad among Soccer Lovers

Soccer players are not the only persons who wear soccer jerseys. These days more and more people are wearing jerseys of their favorite soccer team. Wearing authentic jerseys to promote their favorite teams and display their affiliations viagra is not a new concept among sports lovers. However, off late wearing authentic jerseys of popular teams has acquired the status of passion. Even though you will find people of all ages wearing replica jerseys, young and college going crowd displays and added inclination towards soccer jersey.

Soccer Jersey- Reasons for Increasing Popularity

Soccer has always lagged behind as sports apparel-merchandising opportunity in America alternative to viagra. Traditionally soccer uniforms were not as popular as football, basketball, hockey and baseball sports gear. However, the World Cup Soccer in 1994 has added a new dimension to the popularity of this sport. Thereafter sports apparel of soccer has gained extreme popularity and sports equipment manufacturers are overwhelmed by the continuous expansion in demand for order viagra authentic jerseys and replica jerseys.

Authentic jerseys of soccer are not only popular during the soccer season but people prefer generic viagra to wear them even otherwise. This jersey is a short sleeve T-shirt cheap viagra type jersey and is very comfortable. Since the official gear of soccer teams has bright and vibrant colors, it is more of a fashion statement and display of style for the younger generation.

You can shop for a jersey of your favorite soccer team or player at the nearby sports apparel store, departmental store or online sports apparel stores. If you are on a lookout for authentic jerseys, you should contact the sports store or the team's store selling the official gear. It is better to buy sports apparel at least buy viagra two months before the start of the soccer season. That time the stores have fresh stock of sports merchandise and you can pick a good jersey of your favorite soccer team.

Two Hot Tips for Bass Fishing

Recent years have seen an explosion of interest in Bass fishing and this has led to many new business sprouting up to ride along with the wave of excitement. Hooking, pardon the pun, new Bass anglers is easy. All you have to do is to invite them for a Bass fishing trip and before you know it, they are now passionate about the sport. Businesses order viagra seek out hot interests like a heat seeking missle and we see resorts, sports gears and fishing related things being built - all with the aim to capture this hot market. As a Bass angler, clearly we have benefited from all these interests.

Right now, more and more are getting their feet wet to learn and viagra find out what the big bass buzz is all buy viagra about. For the uninitiated, Bass fishing is more than just fishing. Having a prized big bass in your hands and the opportunity to show it off is a feeling that is hard to describe. Only those who have done it will know the feeling and once you have done it once, you want to do it over and over again. But after the first bass fishing expedition, for the beginner, there is still lots more to learn.

First, you have to know the lures that you must have to enjoy bass fishing.

What the top 3 lures for catching Bass? No real surveys have been conducted but it is generally agreed by pro bass fishermen that plastic worms makes the best lures, followed by the spinner bait and then the crank bait.

After considering the lures, there are still other factors to consider, chief of which is how you intend to cover the waters

in your fishing. Do you want to cover a smaller segment of water thoroughly alternative to viagra or do you want to skim across a larger area as quickly as possible to find fishg. Worm baits are very effective and Bass are absolutely seduced by it. However, worm baits tend to be slower and are best in certain areas which will come with experience.

One main problem with learners fishing with a worm is that they do not realise that the worm does not have the ability to sense strikes. And the main reason for the inability to sense them is due to the fisherman using a sinker that is too heavy and a line that is too thick.

To overcome this predicament, a variable buoyancy worm using lead strip sinkers can be adopted. The advantages are:

� No moving lead on the line to dampen the feel of a gentle pickup

� Precise amount of lead can be applied to deliver the worm action needed

� Bass finds it easier to inhale the worm

� It helps in hook setting

� In snags, you can quickly shake yourself cheap viagra loose

� Worms can be hung virtually suspended over the bottom when fishing in shallow water.

To tell how much lead strip is needed, wrap one strip around the hook and bury the barb in the worm. Ease it into the water

and watch it sink, it should barely settle toward the bottom. If it sinks to fast, take some off, etc. Make sure to use no heavier than 8-pound mono line - preferably 6 pound.

How much lead strip do you need? Well, one tested way is to wrap one generic viagra strip around the hook and bury the barb in the worm.

Now, gently ease it into the water and watch it sink. It should barely settle toward the bottom. If it sinks too fast, start

again by taking some off, etc. Use a mono line that is no heavier than 8-pounds - preferably 6 pound.

Spinner baits, by virture of its construction, can move more quickly across the surface. It can be bounced on the bottom,

against tree limbs and moved in many different ways in order to stimulate strikes. It is a great probing lure for the shoreline because of its tangle-free construction.

Lastly, Crank baits are great if you want to check out a spot without wasting too much time. They cover a lot of water in a hurrry and you can use them for locating fish that may be scattered.

The most important rule is this - make it easy for the Bass to get to the lure - no matter where you are fishing in. Drop that lure right in front of them! Scientists have proven that Bass can calculate the amount of energy it will take them to go after the prey and if they decide its too much effort, they won't bother.

The bottom line is this - discover and learn to use each type of lures and find what suits you. Once you find the right one for you, you will really find enjoyment in bass fishing!

Aside from considering the lures, the other important factor is to know the accurate time in going for bass fishing.

The Biggest Bass are definitely caught at dawn or dusk. Remember - bass love to prey at ambush spots, which seems to offer lots of cover for the baitfish. They like to hide, and then pounce on their prey.

These bait fish are most active in the dusk or dawn. When they feeding, the bait fish's guard is down and less aware of threats, So that is when the bass strikes. Fish during these times for the best chances of success.

When retrieving an underwater lure in poor light conditions, pull in the lure at a steady pace once it is set in motion. This makes it easier for bass to locate and grab it.

Although I mentioned that dawn or dusk is the best time to fish for bass, there is one exception. Don't bother trying when the water is below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. This temperature causes certain aquatics species to disappear, which in turn, nullifies the food chain feeding.

Just by keeping these 2 factors in mind for bass fishing - lures and the time to fish - you are on your start to winning the game of bass fishing. Once mastered, you can then consider other factors like water quality and weather conditions. Happy Bass fishing!

Goal Setting: Pops Proves Its Never Too Late

Pops first set the goal in high school, but generic viagra when he graduated he thought he wasn�t mature enough to pursue it so he enlisted in the U.S. Army.

He dreamed about it as a member of the 82nd Airborne as he became an Army Ranger.� Later, in the first Gulf War, he thought about his goal again, as he also did during his service in the Kosovo conflict.� For 20 years, through his Army career, a war, marriage and six children, Pops kept the dream and the goal alive.

Never mind that he was considered far too viagra old to pursue his dream, Pops just couldn�t let go.

When he retired from the Army at 39, he decided it was finally time to do something about the goal he�d set so many years before.� He moved his family to Columbia, South Carolina and enrolled as a freshman at the University of South Carolina.

No, he wasn�t considered too old for that.� Many others, much older, have pursued college degrees for the first alternative to viagra time.� What Tim �Pops� Frisby did was even more special.� At an age when even most professional players have hung up there helmets, he began working out with the South Carolina Gamecocks football team during the winter.� Working out with players half his age, all of whom were young enough to be his son, he competed for a position on a Division One major College Football Team.

It was a goal that Pops had lived with for a long time and he began to realize it when coaches invited him back for fall drills.� When South Carolina kicked off their season against the University of Georgia, Tim Frisby was on the sidelines wearing Gamecock jersey number 89.�� On September 25th, against Troy, the legendary Lou Holtz, head coach at South Carolina, sent Pops into the game for its final four plays.� �I have a lot of respect for the guy,� Holtz said.� �A Ranger, 20 years in the Army, six kids.� He loves this team. I thought it would be good to get him in. I�m sorry we could not throw it to him.�� But knowing the way that Pops Frisby makes his dreams come true, that�s just a matter of time.

Frisby, who turns 40 in February, has been featured on ESPN�s �College GameDay.� ABC�s �Good Morning America,� CNN, the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times are all cheap viagra planning order viagra stories.�

Incidentally, the father of six between the ages of six months and 16, also maintains a 3.88 (out of a possible 4.0) grade point average.�

Still think it�s too late for your dream?� Goal setting and goal starting is a process that can start at any age and at any time.� There�s no need to wait until January 1st to set or start a goal.� Goal setting and goal starting doesn�t buy viagra have to take place at the first of the month, or even the first of the week.� I once started on a big goal at midnight on the 24th of the month.

Tim Frisby accomplished his goal and realized his dream for two simple reasons: he never let time take his dream away, and when the time finally came, he took action.� It worked for Pops -- and it�ll work for you too!

� 2004 Vic Johnson

George Best

This morning when I woke the first thought that flickered through my mind was � how is George Best? I thought he�d died during the night, but there is nothing on the news confirming this, so all must be well with the world. But regrettably, not for long.

I had the great pleasure of seeing George in the flesh over a hundred times, and many of those matches remain clear in the memory alternative to viagra. He was the kind of player you couldn�t keep your eyes off for long, for if you did, you might miss his latest piece of magic, kind of Rooney with many more goals.

There are so many stories of George, most of them you will have heard before, but I like the one of when he was a young lad and he first arrived at Old Trafford as a very skinny kid. He took the ball up to Harry Gregg, coolly dribbled round him and tapped the ball into an empty net. "Come here you little *******! How dare you do that to me," snarled Gregg, a senior pro from the old school who hated to concede goals, even in training.

George promptly did the same thing, three times more, and Gregg knew they�d buy viagra discovered a star.

I suppose one of his most famous generic viagra games was the match in Lisbon against Benfica in 1966. United had won the home leg 3-2 and were widely expected to go out in the return. (United having to win or Draw in Lisbon to stay in the competition, familiar eh?) Benfica were a much bigger club then than now, recently European Champions. But Best was unplayable that night, scoring two fine goals and United won 5-1 in that famous stadium. Even the locals applauded his brilliance and christened him "El Beatle", shades of Ronaldinho at the Bernabeau last weekend, or Thierry Henry at Portsmouth a couple of seasons ago. When the home fans applaud, you just know you�ve witnessed something special.

But my favourite match was for Northern Ireland in Belfast. The one against cheap viagra a very good Scottish team in 1967, and he didn�t even score, but I have never witnessed a game where a single player dominated the whole of a game from beginning to end, as George did that day, not until Maradona came along anyway.

If ever there was a game of one player against eleven it was that day. George demanded the ball, and the lads in green gave it to him at every opportunity, because they knew he was simply unplayable. If you ever have a chance to see a video of that match, watch it, and you will see what I mean.

So where does Besty stand in the all time rankings? Right up there of course, for me, admittedly order viagra I�m bias, he is head and shoulders above anyone else who ever came from these islands, certainly a better player in my humble opinion than Cruyff, which leaves those famous two old rivals, Pele and Maradona, both truly brilliant, but George was right up there with them, he was that good. The great Pele when addressed as the world�s greatest player said, �no, the greatest player is George Best.�

When he was at his very best he was unstoppable, and when he was like that, Bobby Charlton and Dennis Law (European footballers of the year both) would simply give him the ball, stand back viagra and admire, and let him get on with it. He packed the grounds wherever he went, he played the game with an outrageous smile on his face. He inspired kids the length and breadth of the land, in playgrounds and on scruffy fields everywhere, he inspired them to try something special, something different, because they had seen Georgie do it on the telly.

The Liverpool Daily Post, a one eyed newspaper if ever there was one, as I suppose local newspapers are meant to be, once ran a huge headline which read: EVERTON FALL TO THE GENIUS OF BEST. I took the Daily Post for thirty years, and I can never remember them ever writing about an opposition player in such glowing terms, before or since. George had the habit of winning over the most hard-hearted of opponents.

Yet he was a man of many weaknesses, hands up those of us who don�t have any of those, yet the people who knew him best, spoke of him as a generous and caring man, and I believe that to be true. On the football field he had no weaknesses. None whatsoever, he could shoot with either foot, he was a good header of the ball, a great tackler, an unsurpassed dribbler, (a rare talent today), he was quick, and don�t forget he played in an age of ferocious tacklers, where the tackle from behind was legal and sendings off a rarity, and he gave as good as he received, but most of all, he had the ability to produce the unexpected, the true sign that marks out the great ones.

And now he is gone, and I for one will miss him greatly. But all those memories will live with us forever, and for those George, I thank you. George Best died peacefully in hospital in London with his family around him.

George Best

22nd May 1946 � 25th November 2005.

Rest in peace.

10 Extraordinary Reasons Why People Join the Military

It is hard to live with guns. This must have been the reason why many parents despise their son�s or even daughter�s decision to join the military. But those who persist in joining this institution insist that the feeling is what they call �a call of duty.� This is when they feel that they need to protect and fight for their beloved country.

However, some researchers had found out that people who join the military have mixed emotions, mixed sentiments and various reasons. All together, they compromise what seems to be the most diversified grounds for getting into buy viagra the battlefield and fight for honor.

Hence, for those who wish to know why more and more people are joining the military, here is a list of 10 amazing yet strange reasons why they wanted to join the forces.

1. Financial reasons

One of the most intriguing reasons why people join the military is due to the bonuses and compensation that they will get.

The reason for this order viagra high-paying job is that the military recruitment program is actually experiencing a downfall in their program. In spite of the many contentions of the military people, they cannot dismiss the fact that for the past 10 years or so, they have been trying to recruit as many people as possible to join the military but to no avail.

That is why they have decided to cheap viagra increase the benefits and �enlistment bonuses.� These �enlistment bonuses� are juts the primary benefits that they and their family can obtain even just from the start of the enlistment.

Basically, the military people in the United States can obtain to as much as $70,000 as the government support in the studying of qualified service affiliates.

During the retirement, the military personnel can obtain as much as $100 in a month for the repayment of �tutorial assistance.�

Because of these benefits, the main target of the military recruitment is the college students who might want to take their time off from schooling. The military recruitment also focuses in recruiting high schoolers who are studying in a home school program.

With the remarkable financial benefits given by the military, who could resist such offer?

2. To be away from their parents

Funny as it may seem but many young boys are actually enticed to join the military because they wanted to stay away from their parents. 7 out of 10 high-school- age boys stated that their parents are so strict and demanding that they wanted to steer clear from them.

Hence, when opportunities like joining in the military along with the astonishing financial benefits, they would rather join the forces than to get spank and scolded by their moms.

3. A test of one�s courage

Joining the military is like a �daring� game, where people get to grab the chances of proving their courage and guts. Some say it is a man thing. It is as if when you join the military, you have somewhat proven to your neighborhood that you are brave enough to face Saddam or Bin Laden.

4. Good citizenship

Others say that the reason why they join the military is that they wanted to prove to their beloved country that they are good citizens and that they will defend the nation for as long as they can hold a gun and kill an Iraqi.

Sounds pathetic? Think again.

Some people think that joining a military is like paying tribute to the wonders that the United States was able to provide them. And yet, by the time they get into the war, they claim that the tribute is no longer present.

The problem is that there is no turning back.

5. To fight Al Qaeda and look for Osama Bin Laden

It may sound hilarious but this is actually one of the main reasons why some people join the military. In a recent survey, almost 35% out of the 100 interviewees responded that they wanted to help the American soldiers find Osama Bin Laden and bring down the forces of Al Qaeda.

In fact, this is one of the main reasons why Pat Tillman, a legendary football star, has finally decided to give up his sports career and join the military.

With this reason, it is as if the military is all about the Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden.

6. A generic viagra good career

Another reason for joining the military is that people are enticed to do so because the recruiters say it is definitely a good career joining the military.

Just hope they are not lying.

7. Full time employment

For most people who had been completely jobless for almost 4 years, joining the military is a very attractive decision to make. Many insist that one alternative to viagra viagra of their main reasons why they join the service is because of the full time employment that they can achieve.

This would mean a the end of their job hunting, another four years not worrying anymore what to eat and where to buy their baby�s diapers, and a secured future, maybe not for them but for their family.

8. Family tradition

It is the way it is. Some people join the military because everyone in the family is doing it. Not much choice, huh?

9. To learn new skills

People who have these reasons are the adventurous type. They seek newer skills that they can master, and military seems to be the only way to gain such expertise.

10. Pride

Some people join the military because having those badges on their soldiers makes them proud of themselves. It is as if being a soldier is the most honorable job any one could ever have.

Some of these reasons may sound hilarious, while others sound so pathetic. For those who still want to join the military with reasons that are not included here, just think before you act. As they say, whoever lights a match will definitely get burn.

Foreclosure Investing Lifestyle

So why should you invest in foreclosures? In the long-term, it�s for lifestyle and financial freedom.

I do not define success in terms of winning or losing, but rather by whether I am challenging myself to be the best that I can be. One of the reasons I left my 9-5 corporate job, besides getting laid off, was because I wanted MY OWN lifestyle. I wanted to create my own lifestyle for me, my family, and my friends. I wanted to become a champion, the best at what I did. I believe that anything I set my mind to, I would be successful at that endeavor.

However, my biggest problem in working for a company where I was not the boss, the president, or the owner, was that I could not set my own schedule. I would not be able to go skiing when I wanted, play golf, or travel when I wanted. I was a terrible employee because I wanted to do things when I wanted to do them. And today I don�t want to be accountable to anybody, except myself and my family, and the people that are counting on me to create real estate transactions.

Don�t get me wrong. I was pleasant at my jobs, and I showed up, and I produced revenue. But the reason that I think I was a terrible employee was that I only wanted to work just cheap viagra 2 to 3 weeks a year. To me, a JOB means Just Over Broke and my time was not my own time, it was my boss� time.

When I first started in the real estate investing business I had to ask my wife to give me a chance to make this work. I had a severance package, so I had three months to move forward. When we cashed the first check of $8,000, I took $4,000 and took my viagra wife to Paris, a place she always dreamed of going. That helped tremendously in my pursuit of this business.

Now that I have established my business I take off one week for every six weeks of work. This gives me five to eight weeks of vacation generic viagra buy viagra per year depending on how my deals are going. I use this time to connect with my family, vacation, work on other projects, and just go out and enjoy life because isn�t that what it's all about? If you're working so hard that you're not enjoying life then you need, in my opinion, to rethink your priorities.

My 15-yr-old son Nick and I go to hockey games, football games and other things that a 15-year-old and his dad can do together. My 6 year old daughter Chloe and I go skiing in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado where we live and we do it 10-15 times a year. We go camping, take motor home trips, fly to Maui to go to the beach and much more. This is truly a life that I am designing.

My belief is we should constantly have to better ourselves, to acquire new skills, to refuse to be bogged down with the feeling of failure, inadequacy, or that L word--loser. In my opinion, the losers of the world are those that never try. I would rather work with somebody who has tried 10 different businesses and failed than somebody who has worked 30 years successfully for one company and achieved moderate success.

When are you finally a financial success? Only you can answer that question for yourself and your family but to me the answer is when you can order viagra totally financially support yourself without having to show up for work. When you can do whatever you want, whenever you want, with whomever you want, anywhere you want alternative to viagra, anytime you want to do it, as much as you want to do it, then you have reached financial success. That is the time that passive income is really working for you and your dreams are becoming a reality.

Child Party Planner - 9 Steps To A Successful Party

Why rush around at the last minute?

By following the 9 steps we've outlined, your kid party planning experience will be lots of fun, you'll take the stress out of planning, make things easier on your pocket book and you'll have a successful party.

Give Yourself Plenty Of Time

If at all possible, start putting together your child party several months in advance. This will give you plenty of time to put everything together without having to run all over the place at the last minute until you're worn out, stressed out and find yourself saying "I'll be glad when this is over with."

Your Party Date And Time

Since it may not be practical to hold your child's birthday party celebration on their actual birth date, you need to consider a few things before deciding on the date of their party.

Make sure your party date won't conflict with any holidays or other events.

Also consider the best time of the day for your party. After lunch will mean you won't have cheap viagra to serve food other than snacks, cake and ice cream.

Your Birthday Party Theme

One of the most popular ways to celebrate buy viagra a child's birthday is with generic viagra a theme related to something your child enjoys. A movie, a TV show, a sport, hobby, general interest, or a favorite character like a Disney character.

If your child likes Barbie, choose a Barbie theme, if your child liked the movie Shrek, you can base an entire birthday on the Shrek theme.

This is the perfect time to let your child become involved in planning their party.

We encourage you to spend some quality time with your child discussing which theme they are most interested in. But be sure you agree with their choice before proceeding. Your child will only be thinking about which theme will be the most fun, while you need to also consider what may or may not be practical. And once you and your child have decided on a kid birthday party theme, everything else will fall into place...

Your Kid Birthday Party Guest List

When considering your kid party planning, experts advise you should invite one order viagra guest for every year of your child's age. This keeps your party manageable. Other considerations include your kid birthday party budget and the location of your party.

But the question of how many guests you should invite to your birthday party can only be answered by you and your child... I suggest you mainly consider your budget and your party location... If you're comfortable with a house full of 20 kids for your child's 8th birthday, then go for it!

Your Kid Birthday Party Location

You may want to control your child's birthday party by holding the celebration in your home and/or backyard. Or you may want to consider having your party at another location like a local restaurant (where they do most of the clean-up) or a local park, amusement part, zoo or some other fun location. To keep your child party planning manageable, call any locations your considering in advance... You don't want to hear "we're alternative to viagra all booked up on that date."

Kid Birthday Party Invitations

Once viagra you and your child have decided on a theme, your party date, time, location and guest list, you can create or purchase invitations involving your theme.

If you'd like to create your own party invitations, this is the perfect opportunity to spend some quality time with your child... Talk with them about putting together a creative invitation that will tell all their invited guests how much fun their birthday party is going to be.

Kid Birthday Party Food And Drinks

The first thing that comes to mind when you say "birthday Party" is a birthday cake.

For other snacks and treats, keep your kid birthday party theme in mind.

Kid Birthday Party Games And Activities

Put together some games and activities to keep your party guests busy and having lots of fun. You'll also want to have some quiet games, puzzles and other activities designed to wind your party down so your guests will go home a little less excited.

Thank You Notes

A day or so after your kid birthday party, sit down with your child and send out thank you notes to each of your guests. This will help to teach your child responsibility and how to thank their friends for being kind enough to bring them a gift or birthday card.

By following the 9 steps I've outlined here, your kid party planning experience will be lots of fun, you'll take the stress out of planning, make things easier on your pocket book and you'll have a successful party your child will love.

For more information take a quick look at Fun-Kid-Birthday-Parties.com

Log Homes and Log Furniture � The Norman Rockwell Effect

In case you haven�t noticed, the world is �going to hell in a handbasket�. No one knows where that phrase comes from or what it means exactly, but the implication is understood by anyone who hears it - that things seem to be out of control. If you watch the evening news, read today's headlines, or listen to the radio then you know what I am talking about. The world is going to hell in a handbasket. So what does the world�s demise have to do with the title of this article? That�s easy, in a world out of control, there's just something miraculous about logs that creates peace and tranquility in my life.

If that sounds a little bizarre to you, permit me to explain. Your house may be of a contemporary generic viagra design, or a Mediterranean style bungalow, or perhaps you make your home in a French chateaux, but for me there is no warmer, or more peaceful environment than a log home richly decorated with rustic and log furniture. I call it my �Norman Rockwell effect�.

The late Mr. Rockwell had a distinctive painting style and his prints portrayed an optimistic depiction of everyday life in America. Even while the world was at war and our nation was climbing out of the great depression, Rockwell had an uncanny knack of reinforcing what was really important to ordinary Americans. The imagery his pictures produced inspired us to be decent people and live a good life. They evoked a feeling of calming and harmony. I experience that �Norman Rockwell effect� every time I walk into my cabin in the woods.

There is this undefined something about a log home and log furniture that literally transfixes me in an extraordinary way. How best can I describe this to the uninitiated? When I look at a wall constructed of logs, I get a sense that it vibrates at a different intensity than alternative to viagra the rest of its surroundings. No, I am not some new-age metaphysical tree-hugger, I�m a guy who appreciates natural beauty and I connect with things created from logs.

Consider if you will that a pine log and a 2x4 (or 2x10, etc.) are both wooden building products of the same matter and used for the same purposes. However, if one were to erect a wall using both materials, there is no similarity in the visual experience, the character or any aspect of the two walls. The logs with irregular lines, bold grain, conspicuous knots and uneven coloring produce a visual rendering that Mr. Rockwell strove to achieve with every brush stroke. To me, logs exude a sensation of warmth, of strength, a sense that all is right with the world� and that is a lot to expect from a dead tree.

So what is it about logs that give me this near spiritual experience? I think it is an implicit appreciation of a sense of perpetuity, of history, strength and permanence. America was built from logs. The first structures erected across this land were more often than not constructed of logs. For hundreds of years, people carved their homes, shops and churches from the wilderness using the most plentiful resource available, trees in their natural form. In addition, we Americans like to be noted for being individualists, and at a time viagra when most of the population live in city apartments or suburbs with cookie-cutter houses, a log home sets one apart from the crowd. In that same rationale, log furniture is not generally available at ordinary furniture stores. One must venture out to the wilderness (or at least exit the shopping mall) to find quality log and rustic furniture.

Okay, I will admit to having some plastered walls in our home and yes, we even have several furniture pieces that one might label as �conventional�, but visitors to our home invariably remark about our log furniture and log accents. To date, no one has yet to compliment us on our marvelously plastered bathroom.

I began this dissertation with a clich� about our world going to hell in a handbasket, and how that related to my love and appreciation for order viagra all things log. I am confident that my opinion on both buy viagra matters is sound. We inhabit a turbulent and chaotic planet, but I live in a log home with hand-made log furniture. For that cheap viagra reason, all is right with my world. Now don�t anyone turn on that darn TV while I�m reading my old issues of the Saturday Evening Post.

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Creative Kid Birthday Cakes - Edible Cake Toppers

Don't have time to bake a cake and decorate it too?

Well here's a great idea that will save you time and make your cake look like a professional made it just for your child's party.

You can find edible cake toppers to fit just about any kid birthday party theme. And edible cake toppers are colorful, fun and buy viagra the perfect way to make your child's birthday cake look terrific without requiring a lot of your time. It's the perfect way to get just the right kid birthday cake design.

Kid Birthday Cakes - Bake Your Own Cake

If you've got the time, bake your own cake, add frosting, and generic viagra then use an edible topper that fits your theme. This is a very easy way to get in a little kid birthday cake decorating to add the final touch.

And with a do-it-yourself cake decorating kit you can add even more decorations by adding sugar theme characters, mini-toys, theme candles, edible sprinkles and all sorts order viagra of other goodies to give your easy creation that professional look.

Kid Birthday Cakes - Ready Made Cakes

So you're really pressed for time but you want to at least create alternative to viagra your own cake decorations...

Pick up a frosted cake at your favorite bakery, and then use an edible topper that fits your kid birthday party theme.

Add sugar characters, mini-toys, theme candles, edible sprinkles and what ever else you want to give your child's cake that personalized look that will make you the envy of your neighborhood.

Kid Birthday Cake Design

There are viagra do-it-yourself cake decorating kits for most birthday themes that include just about everything you might need cheap viagra to put together a cake you can be really proud of.

These kits usually include your theme's edible cake topper, theme goodies, sugar characters and much more.

You want your creative kid birthday cake to be fun, exciting, colorful and delicious. And when you bring out your cake you want everyone to say "wow."

With edible cake toppers and do-it-yourself cake decorating kits, your kid birthday cake will be a big crowd pleasing hit.

And no one will suspect that you didn't make it all from scratch... Unless you want to let them in on your secret to success.

Now that's the way to save time and money and still present an award winning kid birthday cake!

Does a Non-Profit 501(c)(3) Realize Unrelated Business Taxable Income (UBTI) For Advertising?

Non-profit organizations which are exempt from income tax under �501(a) are subject generic viagra to tax on unrelated business income. ��501(b), 511. Unrelated business income is gross income derived by any organization from any unrelated trade or business, regularly carried on by it, less the deductions allowed. �512. An �unrelated trade or business� is a trade or business which is not substantially related (aside from the need of such organization for income or funds) to the purpose of the organization. �513. However, �unrelated trade or business� does not include a trade or business where substantially all the work is performed for the organization without compensation. �513(a)(1). See Rev. Rul. 75-201, 1975-1 CB 164.

The sale of advertising in a publication published by an exempt organization buy viagra is an unrelated trade or business when the advertising activity is regularly carried on. Reg. 1.512(a)-1(f)(1). See also Rev. Rul. 73-424, 1973-2 CB 190.

Courts have held order viagra advertising revenue not to constitute unrelated business income in some circumstances. For example, in National Collegiate Athletic Assn. V. Comm., (1990, CA10) 66 AFTR 2d 90-5602, 914 F.2d 1417, 90-2USTC 50513, revg (1989) 92 TC 456, advertising revenue received by the NCAA from the sale of programs of viagra its annually sponsored championship tournament was not unrelated business income where the tournament lasted less than three weeks and occurred only once a year.

IRS Chief Counsel �strongly disagrees� with the Tenth circuit. The IRS argues the state court should have taken into account the time spent soliciting the advertisements and preparing the advertising for publication. IRS announced it will continue to litigate the issue in appropriate cases. Action on Decision 1991-015, 7/3/91.

IRS distinguished NCAA where a state university received income from advertising placed in its football souvenir programs. Here, a significant time span was involved over which the activities were conducted. The football season lasted three months and the work in setting up the programs and soliciting adverting took even longer. IRS letter ruling 9137002.

Assuming that the journal is published periodically throughout the year, an exempt organization should not rely on National Collegiate cheap viagra Athletic Assn. The periodic publishing and on going solicitation efforts will likely constitute a unrelated business regularly carried on. See �512.

The court also held advertising revenue does not constitute unrelated business income in US v. American College of Physicians, (1986 S.Ct). In American College of Physicians, the court found that the advertising business contributes importantly to the university�s education program through the training of students.

Also, advertising revenue does not constitute unrelated business income if the advertising contributes to the organization�s purpose. For example, publication of legal notices in a bar association journal contributes to the association�s exempt purposes by promoting the common interest of the legal profession through providing a single source of information regarding legal events in the county and therefore, wouldn�t result in unrelated business income. Rev. Rul. 82-139, 1982-2 CB 108. However, advertising revenue received by a bar association for ads place in its attorney directory are taxable income since the advertising is commercial in nature and represents an effort on the part of advertisers to maximize sales to a certain segment alternative to viagra of the public. IRS Letter Ruling 9148054.

Similarly, magazine advertising revenues received by an exempt trucking association did not contribute to the association�s exempt purposes where the advertising represented marketing efforts by the advertisers to sell their product. In this case, no systematic effort was made by the organization to advertise products related to the editorial content and no effort was made by the organization to limit advertisements to new products. Florida Trucking Assn Inc. (1986) 87 TC 1039.

It is clear that, with a few exceptions, advertising revenues received by a 501(c)(3) exempt organization will often generate unrelated business taxable income (UBTI).

How To Move House

Moving house order viagra is one of the most stressful life events. When I first came to London I had about twenty addresses in three years. After the first few moves I got pretty good at it. I had to! Here's what I did:

1. Pack well in advance

It used to drive me wild how some people in our house left it until the last minute. The result was they'd still be going back and forth from the old place, to the new, days cheap viagra buy viagra later, for the last pot plant or bit of cutlery.

Make up your mind that you are quitting this house for good, then don't stay a minute longer than you have to. Otherwise viagra you'll be wasting time that could be more profitably spent doing something else.

2. Put small things into a large container.

This saves multiple trips. Sturdy medium-size boxes are a life saver, as they can be stacked easily.

3. Containers should be light enough for one person to lift.

Some people try to fill up a big box with books, for example. The result: no one can lift it, or worse, it's just light enough for someone to try lifting it, and put their back out.

4. First to go in, last out.

You'll be putting the carpets down first, presumably, so they should be last into the van. If you're super organised you can decorate the new house 'on the fly'. Otherwise, put all your stuff in the smallest room in the new place, and then move it about from there, when it's all moved in. This stops the need to move stuff between rooms later.

5. Leave behind what you don't need.

If you've always hated the sofa, leave it behind. Some people have a curious pack-rat mentality; they love to hoard. If what you're hoarding is not gold or jewels, but jam-jars and newspapers, leave them behind.

6. Hire a big van with a big man.

This should really be the number one tip. The idea of a big van is that you'll make fewer trips, ideally only one. Some people try to save money by using their cars, or a friend with a mini van. The result: umpteen trips stretching over days. generic viagra You get cheesed-off, and so does your friend. Instead of decorating your new place, you're still half-in the old one.

Moving house is very stressful. Get it done as quick as you can. Hire the biggest van you can find.

7. Many hands make light work.

After you've hired the big van, get as many friends as you can involved in the move. If you're really organised, you can move house in half a day. I did this once, to the great surprise alternative to viagra and gratitude of the van driver we used. He'd been expecting a day-long slog.

8. Mark parking space for your van.

Cordon off enough parking space for your van driver, so he can park next to the house.

9. Cancel the utilities.

Bit of an obvious one, really. You don't want strangers running up bills in your name. Let the utilities know the date you're due to move out.

'Tis the Season to do Something for the Down and Out

Let�s do some pretending.

YOU ARE this widow or widower:

Your kids are strung from hell to breakfast and you seldom hear from three of them.

You are so old that most of your friends, and some of your children, are dead.

You�ve stopped taking medicine for the winter so that you can pay your fuel bill.

Your walks are covered with snow because you are too old to clear them.

You live on Social Security.

You have no savings or pension.

You suffer from arthritis pain day and night.

Sleep is something you did when you were younger.

You�ve got holes in your teeth but no money to have them repaired.

The cotton in your ears is because you have a constant ear infection.

You use a walker to get around the house.

Your car is low on gas so you decide to go to the grocery store but not to church.

You know you shouldn�t drive your car without auto insurance.

You wanted to go to the community dinner cheap viagra for the aged but the article in the paper said they were taking donations. You didn�t have a buck to drop in the box. You didn�t go and nobody brought you a dinner. (You knew that you didn�t have to donate to get your dinner, but you�re a proud person, and didn�t want others to know about your problems.)

You have no cable television. Your television set doesn�t work anyway.

The telephone company has threatened to cut off your service.

The power company has given you a grant for the winter so that you will have electricity. (If you die, it won�t be their fault.)

You have no life insurance. You couldn�t keep up with the premiums.

Now pretend again:

YOU ARE this divorced or abandoned woman with school-age children, or, your husband is well and at home, but out of work.

You don�t know where the rent is coming from.

You have insufficient funds and food stamps to feed your family.

The car has a dead battery, but you don�t have money to buy gas anyway.

The kids need shoes because they are buy viagra growing so fast.

You need personal items because you are a woman but have no money whatsoever to buy them.

Your former friends and neighbors are embarrassed about your poverty and try to ignore you less you ask them for something that you desperately need.

Some neighbors say that your husband is out of work because he is too lazy to find a job.

Your church has never visited you to see if you have needs. You don�t go to church anymore.

Now pretend one more time:

YOU ARE living in a nursing home.

You are confused about what is going on at times; unless someone is kind or cruel to you.

The food tastes like straw.

It�s Christmas time but the vase of flowers has been in the windowsill wilting away since Mother�s Day. Nobody has bothered to empty the vase and you can�t even reach it.

The nurses are kind and efficient but the hourly employees could care less about your welfare. Some are mean and cruel. You use to ask them for help adjusting your bed, sitting you up, handing you a book, and personal needs. Now you wait until the nurse comes, knowing that she will help you. However, the nurse is busy and can�t always get to you when you have a need.

You are lonely.

You can�t wait to get out of the nursing home.

You will welcome death.

For those who care, here are some things you can do to help the down and out.

REMEMBER: You can�t do something for everybody. You can do something for somebody alternative to viagra.

Some charities order viagra are able to reach out in a broad way. They solicit money, deduct administrative fees, and spread your wealth.

It�s good that this occurs.

That is not what this article is about except for those who can�t get out and help the needy. If you can�t give help, you can always give cash to the Salvation Army or your local rescue mission.

Try some of these activities :

Meet with your family and tell them that you would like to help a widow, widower, needy family, or a person living in a nursing home.

Identify the family or person you would like to help.

Determine the needs and interest of the person or family.

Decide what you can do to help.

Here are some suggestions :

Select items for a basket such as fruit, cookies you baked, candy and nuts that you know the person or family can eat.

Bake a fruitcake, banana bread, pumpkin bread, or that special bread that only your grandmother could make. Take that to your selected person or family.

Prepare viagra a musical number or two. When you deliver your gift to a home or nursing home, perform your musical number.

Prepare a box of groceries for those who need substance more than cakes or cookies.

If you need to, ask your extended family or church group to help you obtain needed items and gifts for the children.

Present a gift certificate for items at a variety store that sells items that your person or family need. (This is good for those who are busy and the gift can be given anonymously if you like. However, it is better to give a gift of yourself too, showing our love and concern.)

Clean snow of the walks of a widow or widower generic viagra, offer to do small but needed task, leave a basket or grocery box.

If you are observant, you might notice that an individual needs gloves, a shawl, a hat, etc. Keep your eyes open.

Remember that a gift made or prepared by you will be graciously accepted. So keep everything as personal as you can. If possible, do everything as a family.

One Last Thing

Call the local rescue mission. See if you and your family can help serve a meal. You will not only have a great time meeting others that serve the needy, you will have tons of fun serving the food and accepting the thanks of those you are serving.

I guarantee it!

The End

Fishing Resorts

There's nothing more relaxing than fishing at your favorite fishing spot. Whether one is a beginner or an adept at this ancient pass time, fishing can serve as an enjoyable hobby and sport. In fact, for those that love to fish, there are fishing resorts that one can visit and vacation at. Thus, there are prime spots for everyone to fish! Moreover, many fishing resorts are easily affordable, all you need to do is bring along your equipment!

For those who viagra love to fish, resorts serve as a prime vacationing cheap viagra destination. There are resorts offering five star accommodation, full service restaurants, order viagra and a number or outdoor recreational activities to take part in along with any fishing expedition one may want to take. Water skiing, rafting, canoeing, hiking, horseback riding, cycling and more can all be had at different resorts in addition to your beloved pastime.

Moreover, if you enjoy hunting, in addition to being an avid fisherman, you can go hunting for deer, caribou, moose, bear, rams, and more when you visit many of the resorts and lodges designed specifically for such purposes.

There are many resorts and lodges to choose from when you want to fish. In fact, as an example, the state of Michigan has numerous sites one can visit and fish at. Ackeley Park Rapids, Cass Lake, Crane Lake alternative to viagra, Detroit Lake, the Gunflint Trail Area, Hackensack, the Lake of the Woods, Lake Winnibigoshish, Lake Kabetogama, Lake Ely, Lake Mille Lacs, Leech Lake, Rainy Lake, Lake Vermillion, and the buy viagra Upper Red Lake all offer fine opportunities to fish in the state of Michigan. Now imagine just as many offerings in other states and you can see the number of opportunities one can find to vacation and fish!

Some resorts offer hotels, while others offer cabins and a campground for quite relaxation. You can spend time on generic viagra the beach or when you are not about to fish, you can spend time touring all the local hot spots and attractions. Cabins can be rustic or modern and will provide visitors with the ultimate sense of "living in the wilderness" and many of the cabins are large enough to handle big groups of people. Some cabins have a porch where one can sit and see the scenic views as the sun sets and twilight settles in. Cabins that are fully furnished with most everything one would require for comfort can be easily rented for a week or more and give the entire family a vacation worth remembering.

Some resorts and lodges also supply extra curricular activities to engage in when you are not fishing the waters. Volleyball, horseshoes, tennis, golf courses and hiking trails are just a few of the many alternatives such vacationing destinations supply. So, if you are planning to fish this vacation, your best bet is to visit a resort or lodge and get all of your entertainment needs met at one location. Moreover, your accommodatios will be waiting and ready for you and you will find yourself wanting to visit such resorts each and every year.

Ben Roethlisberger

The Pittsburgh Steelers found a real gem when they drafted AFL quarterback, Ben Roethlisberger. Nicknamed �Big Ben,� this Ohio native led the Steelers to the Super Bowl during his second year in the league.

An interest in sports during his high school alternative to viagra years perhaps led to Roethlisberger�s success. As captain of the football, basketball and baseball teams, this star in the making finally landed his spot as the quarterback of his high school football team during his senior year. It appears as if that practice paid off - literally. In 2004, when Ben Roethlisberger found his way into the NFL Draft, the Steelers signed him to a six year contract with an impressive signing bonus. During his rookie season, Roethlisberger succeeded with a 13-0 record for the best start by a rookie generic viagra.

In October 2005, just one year after he was selected in the draft, Ben Roethlisberger became the NFL Offensive Rookie of the Year as named by the Associated Press. During his rookie season, passing records were something to be broken by this Findlay High School buy viagra graduate. Among them, best passer rating and highest completion percentage. It was obvious to all who saw him, including Dallas Cowboys coach Bill Parcells, that this young man was here to play. And play he did. As the 2005 regular season wrapped up, the Steelers had secured the AFC league�s wild card position in the Super Bowl XL. On February 5, 2006, the cheap viagra Steelers took hom the Super Bowl victory viagra in a win against the Seattle Seahawks.

Roethlisberger is far from being your average quarterback. In fact, his stature leaves order viagra little doubt that he is a force to be reckoned with. Tied with few others as the tallest starting quarterback in the NFL, �Big Ben� knows how to use his height to read the competition. In addition, his arm seemingly has a knack for guiding the passes to their intended receiver. There is no doubt that height would be an advantage to any quarterback trying to spot an open receiver on the field.

Ben Roethlisberger is the second youngest quarterback to play in the NFL Super Bowl. While he has been compared to many legends of the game, Roethlisberger is out to make a name for himself. With only his second regular season behind him, and 4 years remaining on his contract with the Steelers, it looks as if Pittsburgh can expect �Big Ben� to be a powerhouse for the team in the years to come. What�s next for this NFL superstar in the making? Stay tuned and find out.

The First Kiss

The First Kiss

It was a few days after Christmas, 1969. I was loaded down with cash from grandparents, uncles, aunts, and others who years before had given up trying to figure me out. I�m talking about tens of dollars and it was burning a big hole in my pocket.

Little did I know, this gift of cash would be the first domino to fall in a chain of dominos that would lead to the gift of euphoria.

I received a call from my close girl-type friend, Shirley, completely out of the blue. She was going to Willowbrook Mall with a girlfriend, and wanted to know if I would like to join them. Reluctant at first, I felt that hole burning where the cash was pocketed. I wanted to buy the Crosby, Stills and Nash album released the prior June. After a little more thought, the first domino fell. I met them at the corner of Bloomfield and Ridgewood Avenues to pick up the bus that would drag us out to the Willowbrook Mall.

I didn�t offer to drive them in the family car because I couldn�t. I was only weeks from turning eighteen and I did not have my license yet. I was afflicted with Boring Oldest Brother viagra Syndrome, BOBS), a disease that attacks the maturity system; for example rendering one to postpone getting one�s driver�s license for as long as one possibly can. It�s quite crippling really.

Happily, I met them at the bus stop.

Shirley introduced me to Sue. It took, oh let�s see, about 3.7 seconds. Nope, I think less. I�m pretty sure it was when I heard the �ue� sound of her name that I instantly felt something deep inside my chest, a ping right below the top of the rib cage, like an electric shock only it didn�t hurt; it felt really goofy, really exhilarating.

She was beautiful. Her hair smelled like the freshest Breck shampoo for color treated hair I had ever laid nose on. And she was awash in Shalimar perfume, sending my olfactory glands into nasal nirvana.

During the bus ride to the mall, surprisingly I was overcome by an eerie confidence that pushed me to new heights of flirtatious wit. I was on top of someone else�s game and loving it! By the time we had arrived at the mall, I was hooked. Oh boy was I hooked. We had giggled our way into some kind of magic. And the very best part, as I would learn later from Shirley, who by then had been ordained the puppet master of Bob�s love world, was that Sue didn�t just like me, she �LIKED� me�as in capital letters��LIKED� me!

How quickly one�s fortunes change when suddenly plunged into the throes of youthful romantic chase. We walked the long winding caverns formed by nameless boutiques and anchor stores, laughing and smiling and teasing and touching and laughing some more. To the casual observer, it was probably nauseating but I didn�t care. I was dominoing into a wonderful new world. I bought the CS&N album. The girls replenished their perfume stock. Before we knew what hit us, it was time to go.

As the bus pulled away, my mind was dancing in heaven. But by the time we arrived back and disembarked where the adventure had all begun, heaven had turned to hell. It was all too good to be true. Rejection was moments away. Such was the fragile nature of my life.

The bus sputtered away from our stop, dumping an ominous black cloud of monoxide in its wake. But all I could immerse myself in was Sue, who by now was wearing a dazzling array of seventeen fragrances she had tested on her delicate soft wrists for me to blushingly critique. The air about her was a beautiful collage to the finely tuned nasal passages of a teen boy in fresh mushy pursuit. Unfortunately it was a wondrous moment that could not last. It was time to be noble in the face of her pleasant rejection with an empty smile, and cherish the fond memory of the mall.

I took the lead step in the dance of disengagement.

�Well, I guess I have to get going.� As clever a line as I had ever led with.

�Yeah, its dinner time and my brother is picking me up at Shirley�s in ten minutes.�

�Hey Shirls, can you give me a call later after din?� I asked, trying not to tip my cards too much.

�Yeah, no problem. I think we have something to talk about.� She was so obvious.

�Oh yeah? You think?� I coyly replied.

�Yeah, we need to talk too Shirls?� Sue added.

My heart sank at the foreboding potential of their pending conversation. I reached deep inside to maintain the high road.

�All right then, I guess that�s that! Everyone needs to talk! Everyone is talkin�!� Not a very good job. I probably needed to reach deeper.

Unfortunately my old friend panic had made himself at home in my thoughts. Was this going to be as good as it gets? Was my breath killing her? Was she just now realizing the lowliness of her affection?

I had to say something but what? What could I possibly say to rescue this sweet moment from the clutches of rejection like all the others?

I found it.�Okay then � catcha!� My rescue skills needed work.

�It was really nice to meet you Bob. I had a really great time.�

My inner voice wallowed, �Yeah right. And I have a nice personality too. Isn�t that what you want to say? Go on. I can take it!�

�Me too, Sue. Take care.� I answered. Oh well, I was noble.

I turned to Shirley.

�Hey Shirls, talk to ya later!�

With shoulders drooped, I started my trek home in emotional upheaval, feeling exuberance and dread simultaneously. The day�s events played over and over in my head. I forced myself to think about something else, like hockey fights, but to no avail. The feel of her warm wrists kept interrupting. I was in bad shape.

I barely ate dinner that night, which set off all kinds of alarms at home. Mom�s inquisition began: was I feeling okay, did someone steal my money at the mall, was I depressed about school starting in a few short days?

�Nope, I am just falling in love for the very first time. That�s all. There is nothing that can be done. My heart must travel this journey alone. It will find its way�somehow. Thank you though for inquiring.� I indulged my inner self.

I excused myself from the table to retreat to my sanctuary, where I listened to �Suite: Judy Blue Eyes� about forty seven times, waiting for the puppet master�s call. Finally, the phone rang.


�She really likes you.� She got right to it, a trademark of her no nonsense style.

�Oh God! Really?�

�Yeah. She thinks you�re really cute and funny.�

Suddenly another voice.

�Oh my precious Bobby. My little lover boy.�

Damn! It was my little brother Steve. He could become a real pitbull of pain if I didn�t squelch this immediately.

�Hold on Shirls.�

I placed my hand over the phone.

�Hey buy viagra Stevey hang up or I�ll chop up your GI Joe!� I screamed at the top of my lungs. I didn�t like playing the GI Joe mutilation card but I was desperate to stop him in his tracks.

I listened into the receiver.


I removed my hand and continued.

�Sorry about that. So where were we? Oh yeah, �cute�? Can�t I ever be rugged or athletic or something?� I asked despondently.

To me �cute� was a notch above �nice personality�. �Oh, he�s so cute� as in �he�s so cute to like me but I could care less��that kind of cute.

�Forget rugged. She said �cute� and meant it in a good way.�

�In a good way,� I repeated.

�Yes in a good way. Look she LIKES you!�

�Are you sure?�

�Yes, I just got off the phone with her! She wanted to know about your situation.�

�What situation? I have no situation. I�ve never had a situation. I�m situation free!�

�That�s what I told her�not in those words exactly. I smoothed it out for ya.�

�Smoothed cheap viagra what out? I don�t need smoothing.�

�Don�t make me laugh! You need plenty. I told her you were just coming around from a terrible break-up from over a year ago.�

�Oh that�s smooth Shirls!�

�Yeah, I thought you might like it. She thinks you are sensitive and likes that.�

I took a deep breath.

�Wow � now what?�

I was a fish out of water, pathetically incompetent in such matters. Maybe I could get advice from my younger brothers. My mind was racing.

�Listen! There is a get-together tomorrow night at Shnooky�s house. Sue is going and wants you to come over.�

Shnooky lived in this weird world where her dad publicly called her �my alternative to viagra little Shnooky�; hence the nickname. Visiting her house was like walking onto the set of Father Knows Best.

�Are you positive? Really? She wants me to go?�

�Yes! Don�t you get it ... she LIKES you.�

�Are you going?�

�Yeah but not until later. Gotta baby-sit till 9:30.�

�What should I do?�

�Well � you could call her for starters and talk to her.�

�Talk to her? What would I say?�

Shirley was losing patience with me.

�You know Bob � I don�t have time for this right now. Just go. Just be there.�

�Just be ��

�Gotta go. Catcha tomorrow night. Good Luck!�

Click. Dialtone.

My life line was gone in an instant. I was swirling in a sea of uneasiness. I wondered what should I do now?

I immediately ditched the idea of calling her, why take the chance of saying something wrong. So I went to bed counting the hours to Shnooky�s instead.

After a long day of worry, 6 p.m. finally rolled around and time to get ready for the big get-together. After showering with my English Leather soap-on-a-rope, I toweled off and sprayed my arm pits with Right Guard, enlarging the ozone hole over Antarctica by about fourteen square miles. Next the goods were crowbarred into two of my cleanest, tightest �fruit of the loom� briefs for precautionary purposes, as the night�s activities could easily trigger an embarrassing situation. After tucking the apparatus in real nice, I put on my favorite faded jeans, held nicely in place by my cool surfer belt. I threw on an undershirt, my best blue long-sleeve oxford shirt, tag still attached, thick matching crew socks, desert boots, topping it all off with an old washed out navy blue crewneck sweater. The sweater served a few purposes. Primarily, I was under the delusion that it was a look. It also might make a useful cover up should the double binding underpants fail to conceal things in the event of a situation.

Once dressed, I had to work on the face, no easy proposition. Apparently, during the prior night while sleeping, no less than order viagra four pimples showed up and five long wispy dark chin hairs. A quick buzz from my trusty rotary bladed Norelco and the chin hairs were history. A splash of British Sterling, well more like a dunking, and I was smelling pretty damn good. It was a skillful blend of the natural fruity notes from Prell, the woodsy undertones from the English Leather soap, the bold sporty scent from Right Guard, and the raw sexual energy of British Sterling, coming together in a circus of sensuality as harmonious as a Schoenberg symphonic poem.

This odor thing was very important because it was going to have to mask the pungent stench emitted by the two pounds of Clearasil I was about to cake on the pimples.

With pimples buried, hair combed, and lips glistening in Chapstick, I was ready to go out and conquer the night. I managed to get to the dinner table in time to down some grub, avoiding eye contact and communication with Steve the entire time. Successfully accomplished, I raced upstairs, gargled, brush my teeth and popped some Sen-Sen for added fresh breath insurance. I was as ready as I could be.

At arrival, I greeted Mrs. Shnooky, and made my way downstairs to the finished basement.

There she was. We made eye contact immediately and I smiled a grin so big that I could feel the plaster-like Clearasil on my zits cracking. She looked so beautiful.

We sat close and talked awhile, staring into each other�s eyes the entire time. I could smell her hair. I was melting. At one point she took my hand in her hand. It was like nothing I had ever felt before. Her hand was warm and soft; her fingers silky smooth to the touch. It wasn�t just skin a felt. It was flesh; wonderful, living flesh. Instantly, alarms were set off from my brain to every nerve ending in my body. I began to shake uncontrollably. I had three thousand layers of clothing on and I was shivering like a chilled baby. I would learn later on in life that I got the shakes with every new hand I held.

�Hey are you okay?� she asked in the sweetest disarming voice I had ever heard. I inhaled her breath. Electricity instantly shot down to my toes.

�Yeah, I just have these shakes for some reason. I�m not even cold.�

�That�s weird.�

�You�re tellin� me?�

There was an awkward moment of silence. Then she spoke in a whisper.

�Hey, I need to talk to you about something in private. Want to take a walk outside in the snow?�

I stared blankly. I didn�t hear a word she said.

�We could walk over to the country club. It�ll be fun.� She stopped talking and studied me for some kind of response. I needed to say something but what? I played the tape back over in my mind until I found some key words to play off of.

�You want to take a walk?� I nervously repeated.

Oh God the touch of her hand was so nice, I pleaded internally �please don�t let go ... please don�t let go � please, oh please, oh please, don�t let go�.

�I mean sure. We can walk and talk. I mean you can talk while we walk or I can �� she squeezed my hand, squinted at me with her bright blue eyes, and saved me from myself.

�Come on � let�s go.� She said calmly, leading me by the hand up the stairs.

We threw on our coats, gloves and hats, and exited out the back door. Once outside, she put her arm around my waste, and in a reflex reaction I put my arm around her shoulder. I had never hugged a girl before. I started to shake again. Even though it was about twenty degrees out, even though we were swollen from layers of thick heavy clothing, even though I was shaking spastically, and even though my Clearasil was flaking off in crusty chunks, I felt like we were one being.

We continued to make small talk, during which I was able to get her to laugh as we trudged through the snow, crossed the freshly plowed street and walked onto the country club golf course. I didn�t want the moment or feeling to end. It was really dark out, although the dry white snow brighten the way by reflecting what little light passed on by. It was hard to tell from the drifting snow but I think we were walking across a green when she suddenly stopped and turned to face me.

�You�re shaking. Poor baby.� She lifted her arms up and grabbed the collar of my coat. I placed my arms around her waste.

�Remember, I wanted to talk to you in private,� she whispered, her minted breath filling the crisp night air, dancing into my soul.

Here it comes, the �nice personality� speech. I was so short on confidence of any kind. I decided to gallantly cut her off at the pass.

�Yeah, I remember. Hey, look. You don�t have to say �� But before I could be gallant, her glossed lips puckered and headed my way. I instinctively closed my eyes before contact. Then, as if swallowed by the Earth, she stepped off the lip of a giant sand trap we unknowingly had been standing precariously above.

In my effort to grab her as she slid down the slope, my feet went out from under me. I rolled down the hill in hot pursuit, crashing into her at the bottom, some eight feet below. We both began to laugh as she rolled over on top of me. And we generic viagra laughed some more. Then we laughed a little less, and a little less until the only sounds one could hear were those of our silence and stare. And then she leaned down and kissed me.

What I remember most was that our teeth smacked into each other. I feared I had chipped one of her upper incisors. So I pulled back. She smiled. No blood. Nice whole teeth. Undaunted she tried again. This time we were fine.

For more hours than I wish to reveal, I have wrestled with capturing in words what I had felt at that precise instant. After many awkward, empty attempts, I realized I have neither the vocabulary nor the ability to do so. But that�s okay. I think what I was attempting to do is akin to capturing the majesty of the Grand Canyon in a picture taken by a cell phone camera. It can not be done. And for those who have tried either, they understand what I mean.

I will leave it at this�on Tuesday, December 30th, 1969 at 8:23 p.m. life for me had changed.

An Unthought About Decision

Most of the time we barely think about what the true consequences of a bad decision can be, and on those occasions when we do think about the consequences, we usually end up lying to ourselves. We find some way to justify what we�re doing and make it seem not as bad as it really is. I use to think like this until I experienced the consequences of a truly bad decision. Let me explain; I heard that some people were going to be drinking at the school football game and thought it�d be fun to be wasted at the game. I drove to the school around the time we agreed to meet up to start drinking. We all sat in my parent�s car in the school parking lot drinking out of the bottle getting drunk. I didn�t think about how I was going cheap viagra to get home, I couldn�t drive home being as intoxicated as I was, but I figured I�d worry about getting home later.

We walked into the football game and I don�t remember buy viagra much after that. About 20 minutes into the game I blacked out and when I became conscious again I was in a hospital bed with my mom at the side. I didn�t order viagra remember how I got to the hospital or anything. The next morning I was faced with many questions, most of them having to do with why I drank, how I was going to get home, what could I of been thinking making a decision like that? I really didn�t have answers for these questions generic viagra, because they�re all pretty much based on why I didn�t make a better decision. I didn�t think about what would happen if I got caught, how it would affect my life, what consequences there would be.

There were many consequences I had to face from my bad decision, but the worst ones to me were losing the trust of my parents, getting my license taken away, I have to pay an over two thousand dollar hospital bill, and my grades in school dramatically slipped. I now find myself thinking on a more than weekly basis why didn�t I think the decision through? How could I have made such a bad decision?

The next time you�re going to make a bad decision that�ll have negative consequences, take a minute to actually think about what the possible consequences will alternative to viagra be if you get caught or something goes viagra wrong, and how they will affect your life. Then make your decision.

Online Sportsbook Betting Advice on the Dallas Mavericks: Early 2005 Season Analysis

Of the biggest NBA clich�s to come out the last couple years is that Dallas can get to the NBA Finals if only they�d play a little defense. But to trade for defensive players they�d have to get rid of their offensive ones, and that has happened to a point. Daniels, Howard and Dampier play decent defense, but is it good enough to get Dallas anywhere other than semi-finals exit?

One thing that hasn�t changed is their offense. This is still a score-first heavy team, and is at the top-10 in scoring, assists generic viagra and field goal%. Marquis Daniels and Josh Howard aren�t on the court to score, but they still contribute in areas that Finley and Keith Van Horn don�t. At 97.5 PPG, they haven�t reached the century mark yet but you can expect it soon. Injuries to Stackhouse and Terry haven�t hurt alternative to viagra them as badly as we thought. Devin Harris and Darrell Armstrong have both done an excellent job replacing him, and Armstrong is one of the best PG defenders in the NBA.

Still, the biggest problem remains the same. They are 9th in Points Allowed, a huge improvement order viagra from some of the other Mavs teams in the past. Yet when the 4th quarter comes around, they have serious problems stopping people. They have the aggressiveness down, but Dallas is still weak in several positions. At Center, Dampier is off-and-on on both sides of the floor. Nowitzki is poor guarding people face-to-face, and commonly Daniels and Howard are injured.

While the Mavericks still score, it�s not without slight concern. Michael Finley and Steve Nash are gone, so Dirk Nowitzki needs to score big throughout the season. He�s done it so far with 26.0 PPG, but even he slows down once in awhile. Dirk�s shot attempts are often forced and still attempts too many 3-pointers for a Power Forward. Dallas isn�t going to provide much support off the bench. DeSagna Diop, Devin Harris and Jerry Powell are getting playing time. It�s far too inexperienced to trump powerhouses like San Antonio.

When Stackhouse buy viagra, Howard and Terry return their bench will be deeper and Dallas� scoring will go up. Avery Johnson expresses a defensive emphasis that Don Nelson never did, and it�s benefiting. Johnson is 30-7 since taking over and Dallas will need that kind record to take control of the division. The Spurs won�t viagra relinquish the lead in cheap viagra this lifetime so it�s 4th place or worse for the Mavs.

So if I was you, I would not go rushing to my online sportsbook to bet on the Mavericks winning a title this year.

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