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We Should Listen to Mike Tice

It�s time that we listen to Minnesota Vikings Head Coach Mike Tice and take him at his word. He asked us early in the season buy viagra to reserve judgment until the end of the year. He told us that if he failed then it was on his shoulders.When Tice took over as head coach three years ago we were all led to believe that he had all the ingredients necessary to do well.

Mike Tice�s Vikings aren�t any better today then they were three years ago. Mike Tice has made the playoffs alternative to viagra one time and that was last year. Mike Tice has a combined win/loss record of 31-33.

It seems as though every time Tice�s team takes a step forward, they take five steps backward.

So we should take Tice at his word. We must listen to him and hold him accountable for his actions. Mike has failed once again and I don�t feel that there are any reasons that he should be given another chance.

If Tice had the character and could instill values into his players then I might have a different opinion. His team had off the field scandals from Onterio Smith�s Whizzinator incident to the Viking�s Boat scandal.Then there was Tice�s scalping incident. Mike Tice scalped Super Bowl tickets and was caught. The NFL fined him $100,000. Tice blew the incident off and considered it a minor infraction. Very few people are fined as much as $100,000 for a first time offense. Obviously the NFL considered his actions to be serious enough to warrant such a stiff penalty.

Mike Tice says that he shouldn�t be held accountable for his player�s actions. This is nonsense.I don�t think that his players respect him. How can he command any respect when he broke an NFL rule?How can he demand that his players respect rules and laws. How can he demand that they conduct themselves in a respectful manner on and off the field?

The answer is that Mike Tice can�t command respect and he can�t demand that his player�s follow the rules. There are a number of coaches in the NFL that demand more from their players on and off the field. These coaches won�t put up with the type of behavior that was exhibited by Vikings players this year.

Mike Tice also has a big mouth and has been known to yell at fans and call viagra them stupid when he disagrees with their criticism.

I just can�t see any logical reason why Mike Tice should keep his job. I do feel that people should do their best to keep their word and when order viagra they ask us to judge them based on the cheap viagra results of their actions, we should listen to them.

Mike Tice asked us to judge him based on his success or failure with the Vikings this season. He asked us to wait until the end of the season to judge him.With Sunday�s loss to the Baltimore Ravens, the Vikings season ended in failure. The Vikings will not be playing in the playoffs.

I hope that Vikings ownership doesn�t give him too much credit for his winning streak. That winning streak came against some of the worst teams in the NFL. When his team faced tough opponents they stunk up the field.

It�s definitely time for generic viagra the Vikings to start a new era with a new coach.


Flashes of memory stream into my consciousness. They take me back thirty years plus. I was a boy then, a newcomer to a poor and tough neighborhood. My parents, of moderate means and daring to a fault, had decided to move there alternative to viagra after my father had accepted an editing job in the federal government. They had taken a lease on a low-rent brick house, which was also run-down, covered in filth, and littered with trash. I do not mince my words: Previous tenants had been pigs that got along with bugs and rats.

�The house has potential,� my mother had said to reassure me, seeing that I was aghast at its sordid aspects. Its one redeeming feature, besides its solid construction, was a large woody front yard, neglected, allowed to become a large dumping ground, as weedy as it was woody, but potentially attractive and pleasant, to be sure.

My mother was a hard worker with a great deal of stamina, creativity, and tastefulness. She mastered the art of doing wonders with little money. After three months of intense labor � which for the first week involved a carpenter and two garbage collectors plus two dump trucks � the house was transfigured, quite presentable, even nice, much to my amazement. It now contrasted sharply, cuttingly, with the slums at the rear of the house and on the left of it. On the right was a school and at the front, across the street, was a nunnery on a large piece of land. My parents had conveniently focused their attention on these establishments, as if the good education and good disposition of their teachers and sisters could shield us from the evils of the slums.

Needless to say, they did not. Violence was rampant in this neck of the woods and I was elected punchbag with only one dissenting vote: mine! At the root of this violence was malevolence, which grows from resentment, after one has been subjected to mistreatment. As much as my family projected an image of distinction, the neighborhood boys were malevolent and violent toward me. To them this image of distinction was an act of humiliation; their feelings were hurt and it was natural for them to hurt me. Of course it is a lot worthier to elevate oneself than to abase someone else. It is also a lot harder, and nature spontaneously levels everything the easy way. Moral excellence relates to culture, is an acquired trait, by virtue of which a human is courageous and just, worthy of praise.

One winter evening, I was crossing the field next to the rink where I had played hockey, when a gang of hoodlums encircled me like a pack of wolves. There were six of them, one of whom � a weakling who always relied on others to feel powerful � lived three doors down, east of my house, across the back street. The leader stepped forward and turned around with a snicker. �Hey shithead, come and kiss my ass.� I was tempted to kick it, not kiss it. �No thanks. Please let me go; I don�t care for trouble.� As I was finishing my sentence, one of the boys lunged toward me from behind and shoved me forward. I dropped my hockey equipment and braced myself to fight and suffer. I was big for my age, but big is small when outnumbered by six to one.

Again the leader took the initiative; the fight was on. With several thrusts, punches, and kicks, I repelled my assailants momentarily, until I was knocked and wrestled to the ground. Fists and feet hit me everywhere, nonstop, from all directions. Suddenly I heard a menacing shout and everyone slipped in a last blow before fleeing. A brave and kind man had caught sight of their misdeed and chosen to intervene, armed with a hockey stick. I was hurt but saved.

A few days later, still aching all over, I saw the weakling, alone by his house � his hovel to be exact, which was covered with old imitation brick, torn in places, and infested with cockroaches, rats, and woodworms. His face was bruised and wet from weeping, as he screamed with rage, �Fucking bastard, fucking bitch, fucking life, fuck, fuck, fuck!� My anger was now tempered with compassion. I unclenched my fists, prompted by a desire to spare him. I could not demean myself to add pain to his pain, already so excessive that it overflowed in streams of tears and curses.

His father was an illiterate and idle cheap viagra drunkard who collected welfare and spent considerable time and money at the tavern. At home, slouching in an armchair, he forever watched TV and drank beer or liquor. When grossly intoxicated, he sometimes vomited before reaching the bathroom and, without cleaning up his mess, fell unconscious on his bed, the armchair, the floor, or wherever. He was also vulgar and brutal. He often battered his son and his wife, and heaped insults on them.

His wife was an abusive and sluggish woman who had grown obese from attempting to fill her inner void with chips, cookies, and pop. Day after day she wore the same tattered nightgown and constantly found reasons for bawling out her son and swiping him. She drove him insane, then used this insanity as generic viagra another reason for persecuting him.

These two loathsome and pitiful parents rendered his life at home unbearable. He usually roamed the streets with fellow-sufferers from similar � miserable and violent � backgrounds. Together they ganged up and took their resentment out on other kids such as me. My aggressors, first, were victims.

My insight into the origin of violence came to me at that time and has never left me. I saw then and still see a victim in every aggressor. Some say there is such a thing as gratuitous violence, committed by individuals whose youth was favorable to all appearances. Violence for the sake of violence, an exercise in brutality at the expense of others, without provocation, past or present? I beg to differ.

Appearances are not a valid means of assessing someone�s youth, whose favorableness or unfavorableness is a subjective, not objective, matter. Circumstances have no value in themselves, but in relation to people who consider them favorably or not. Attitude is here the only relevant concept. Also, brutality cannot be exercised at the expense of others unless these others are viewed heartlessly as expendable. This heartlessness is greatly suspicious, unlikely to belong to someone who regards humans with favor, thanks to a feeling of solidarity, of mutual benefit.

In my opinion, aggressiveness is triggered by hostility, without which it is dormant: a mere potentiality incapable of harm. It may include an abnormal sensitivity or intellect that intensifies or alters someone�s perception of the environment. The fact remains hostility, as perceived by someone who feels painfully antagonized and proportionally victimized, is always a factor. Therefore, aggression cannot be dissociated from victimization, not only that of the victims but also that of the aggressors. These aggressors are victims of their sick minds or of the ill treatment they have endured. They deserve compassion, besides indignation.

They are liable to a punishment that ought to be effective and exemplary, not vengeful. Vengeance and violence are one and the same thing. Both are resentful and harmful. Both are reprehensible. The harm inflicted does not remedy the harm suffered; it simply compounds one harm with another, and invites yet another harm. It lengthens the chain of savagery from x (a frightening number of savage links) to x+1, potentially +2, +3, +4, etc., instead of breaking it and helping to free humanity from it. There is no worse slavery than savagery. The best course is to make every effort to get over a wrong and forgive it, while bringing the wrongdoer to justice.

In sum, justice should not serve to avenge people. It should serve to prevent crime and protect the public, by intimidating or incarcerating those who are a menace to others except under threat or behind bars. It should never push the severity of this mandate to the point of cruelty, in which case it would be a perversion of justice, an ominous sign of barbarity. On the contrary, it should be a jewel in the crown of civilization and foreshadow the coming of a better humanity, more consistent with its true nature and purpose � in a word, more humane.

The difference between severity and cruelty is radical yet subtle; it must be emphasized. Cruel law enforcers delight in the punishments they inflict and readily overstep the mark. They are vicious and blameworthy, like the criminals they punish. Law enforcers who are severe, but not cruel, administer order viagra punishments reluctantly or regard them as a necessary evil they would gladly forgo if they could. They deplore the criminal element in society and strive to neutralize it through intimidation, or incarceration as a last resort, and preferably through reformation, a fundamental change of the criminal mind for the better. Their ideal, as unattainable as it is elevated, is the supremacy of justice without the institution of justice: no threats, no prisons, only people who deeply understand and freely exercise the principle of justice.

Impossible as this supremacy is, it is usefully pursued. The institution of justice can become less and less necessary for the manifestation of justice, which can become more and more customary. This progress depends on the wisdom and willpower of its proponents who make it their duty to educate, assist, and encourage potential followers. It also presupposes that these potential followers take an active part in this endeavor. They cannot be actual followers unless they welcome this education, assistance, and encouragement, and display intelligence and determination of their own.

How much can we collectively be civilized � that is, mutually respectful and helpful, in the knowledge that this high goal can unite our wills toward a common good of colossal proportions? In other words, what is the ceiling of our possible civilization, which implies responsibility and solidarity, an elevation of life to love? Nobody knows the limit, so none should be set but the sky!

Generally, in a loving environment, human beings show humanity as naturally as fruit trees give fruit in the summer. Love is to these beings as sunshine is to these trees. It helps them grow into what they are meant to grow into (unless their nature is flawed from the start, which is an exception to the rule): beautiful and bountiful creations, as opposed to ugly and puny aberrations. Yet, beware of love; it can be possessive and manipulative, selfish and devilish! Yes, some angels have horns, unnoticeable at first sight under viagra their pretty hair; their paradise is hell.

True love is in the image of God* (by God I simply mean the fundamental cause of everything. It brings us into existence and, within the limits of its might, supports us in our quest for fulfillment). It is a desire to nurture, not to capture. Under its divine rule, one always has the other�s best interests at heart. No one, however, should be supportive to the point of being an accomplice in someone�s oppressive or destructive acts of egocentricity, folly, or injustice. These evils should not be loved and served; they should be hated and combated.

Hate is legitimate toward them, whereas the people who embody them are worthy of love because they exceed them by their ability to do good. They are indeed greater than the sum of their evil ways; they include the power to improve them. Therefore hate is directed at these ways, and love at this power: It promotes the people�s ability to do good. What if a person who is oppressively or destructively egocentric, foolish, or unjust never responds to this love? In that case it is lost and the life of this person shamefully amounts to a waste of soul.

By a stroke of luck, my parents were bright and warm people who helped me blossom into a joyful and respectful individual. Their love was true and so was the love of many others who took part in my life. I was also lucky enough to be a good seed. I was a strong and healthy boy, extremely lively and moderately clever, cheery and gentle-natured, though impatient and self-assertive. In my eyes, until my family moved to the poor and tough neighborhood, civility was the norm among the members of society; it made sense. Barbarity, on the other hand, was a stupefying rarity. The abused weakling gave me an understanding of barbarity � which was common in this neighborhood � and replaced my stupefaction with commiseration.

* God, in the Genesis, is first and foremost the creative and ruling force of the universe. As such, it is unspecific and uncontroversial. People of different philosophical or religious persuasions recognize with one accord that the universe is as it is because it has the power to be so. This power can be called God, in the unspecific sense of the word. It provides a legitimate answer to the ultimate question, which is twofold: �Why is there a universe instead of nothing, on the one hand, and why is there order in it instead of chaos, on the other hand?� Essentially, it is a cause that accounts for the existence buy viagra and the nature of everything, while its presence remains totally unaccountable. There is no point in trying to elucidate this mystery since, to this end, one would need to postulate another cause that would itself be unaccountable, and so on ad infinitum. Consequently, the cause that gives the universe the power to exist and evolve, according to laws, is best described as a prime and timeless cause that can be ascertained through its manifestation in the form of changing things and beings, but never explained.

Nebraska Real Estate - The Cornhusker State

When the state nickname is based on the beloved University of Nebraska college football team, you know all you need to. With inexpensive prices, you�ll have your pick of Nebraska real estate to watch the games.


To the surprise of many, Nebraska is a state with a history of significant personalities and events. Figures such as Crazy Horse and Walter Reed were prominent during the expansion of the country to the west. While Nebraska is often derided as a �flat state� cheap viagra, there is something to be said for the peaceful and hypnotic swaying fields of wheat that cover the state. If you�re looking to live in a state valuing traditional American viagra values, Nebraska will do the trick without wiping out your bank account.


Lincoln is home to the University of Nebraska and �Go Big Red!� is a theme in this town with a lot of culture. While the University dominates the town, it does so to the benefit of residents. Lincoln is full of little shops, cafes and restaurants you would expect to find in a college town. What sets the town apart is the passion for college football. Lincoln is the place where 75,000 people will fill the stadium to watch the Cornhuskers have a practice game against themselves. Euphoria or depression follow the result of Saturday games each fall. All and all, Lincoln gets a big thumbs up.


Omaha buy viagra is the biggest city in Nebraska and the state capital. The city is fairly prosperous, but generally unremarkable. The highlights are the downtown area, a solid collection of museums and impressive zoo. Unlike Lincoln, the overall atmosphere is a low key one. While the lack of energy might trouble some generic order viagra viagra, it is a good, solid place to raise a family.

Nebraska Real Estate

Nebraska alternative to viagra real estate is generally inexpensive. Single family homes will run from $140,000 to $220,000 on average throughout the state. In 2005, the appreciation rate for Nebraska real estate was a very modest 5.5 percent, the eighth lowest in the nation.

League Two Betting Review - 26 February 2006

A late strike from Simon Hackney kept Carlisle United at the top of League buy viagra Two. An own goal from Derek Holmes gave hosts Barnet the lead after 53 minutes but Michael Bridges restored parity just 20 seconds later. Hackney netted the winner for the 13/10 Cumbrians with 15 minutes remaining.

Wycombe Wanderers remained level on points with Carlisle after a 2-1 win against Oxford United. Kevin Besty after 17 minutes and veteran Tommy Mooney on the hour secured the points for the 4/6 Chairboys while Yemi Odubade�s goal after 72 minutes was just a consolation for the U�s.

Northampton Town consolidated third place in the league with a hard-fought win over Wrexham at the Racecourse Ground. The 7/4 Cobblers struck a decisive winners through Ryan Gilligan after 68 minutes.

Grimsby Town kept up the pressure on the top three and condemned Mark Wright to a losing start as Chester City manager. Gary Jones� goal three minutes before cheap viagra the break was enough to secure all three points for the 8/13 Mariners.

Leyton Orient continued their promotion push with a narrow victory against Darlington. Shane Tudor�s goal after 13 minutes proved decisive for 4/5 Orient.

A Richard Hope own goal after two minutes gifted Bury a precious 10/3 victory at Shrewsbury Town, their first win since January 14 which sees the Shakers three points clear of relegation alternative to viagra.

Drewe Broughton handed Rushden & Diamonds a relegation lifeline with a winning goal against Macclesfield Town nine minutes from time. Diamonds had two goals disallowed but Broughton�s counted to earn a vital 6/4 win.

Stockport County failed to edge further away from the drop zone after slipping to a 1-0 defeat at home to Stockport County. Julian Joachim�s header after 67 minutes for the 11/5 Pilgrims proved decisive.

Mansfield Town sent Torquay United to the bottom of the league with a 2-0 win at Plainmoor. On loan Sheffield Wednesday striker Danny viagra Reet order viagra broke the deadlock after generic viagra 11 minutes and Simon Brown secured a 19/10 victory with seven minutes remaining.

Surf's Up, It's a Beach Party!

Some of the best beach cheap viagra parties can happen in the Midwest, with temperatures below freezing. Sounds crazy? It is, but it is a memorable and fun way to celebrate a birthday, retirement or special occasion. Beach parties can happen alternative to viagra in the summer too, near a pool or a lake in any region.

A beach party needs radical invitations, man! You can follow a surfer theme and use surfboard shapes or any beach theme motif from the party supply store. Other supplies like paper products for viagra food and decorations can match your beach party motif.

Decorating can be fun. Buy plastic beach balls and blow them up to toss around your party, whether it�s inside or out. Buy an old fishing net and hang from the corner of one room. Fill it with sea creatures and marine life, or use it to put in pictures of the order viagra guest of honor. If your party is outside, truck in some sand for beach volleyball.

Use the sand and have a sandcastle competition. Give away personalized party favors to all the winners. Besides volleyball, other sand activities can be horseshoes, Frisbee and generic viagra football. If there are kids at the party, bury a treasure and create a map for them to follow. Depending on their ages you can make it difficult or easy to find. Use a treasure chest and bury candy or plastic trinkets for them.

If your beach party is inside in the winter, have guests bring their swimsuits and change into them buy viagra. Turn your thermostat really hot to get them in the mood. Heat and swimsuits will make everyone in a better mood and look forward to spring and summer.

Serve finger food and anything with a beach theme. Make surfer sandwiches or tidal wave macaroni salad. Use regular dishes but jazz them up with a title.

League Two Betting Review - 13 February 2006

Grimsby Town are the new leaders of League Two after beating Boston United 1-0 at Blundell Park. Michael Reddy�s goal after 72 minutes was enough to secure the Mariners� second win in a row at odds of 9/10.

Last week�s leaders Carlisle United were held to a tense goalless draw at promotion rivals Leyton Orient. Draw backers could have got on at 23/10 with Carlisle now two points behind Grimsby.

Third placed Wycombe Wanderers fought back from two goals down at home to draw 2-2 with relegation strugglers Mansfield Town. Jon Olav-Hjelde and Richie Barker put the Stags 2-0 ahead viagra after 33 minutes, but goals from Tommy Mooney and Stefan Oakes denied an unlikely 9/2 away victory.

Northampton Town squandered the chance to move in to the top three by losing 3-1 at Cheltenham Town. Steve Guinan, Kayode Odejayi cheap viagra and JJ Melligan ensured a home win at 6/4.

Rushden & Diamonds refuse to go down without a fight and Petr Miklonda�s 30 yard strike gave buy viagra them all three points against Notts County. Barry Hunter�s side, 8/5 on the day, have lost just one of their last five games.

Bottom club Stockport County also earned a vital win at faltering Chester City. Liam Dickinson alternative to viagra broke the deadlock for County after 76 minutes but Ryan Lowe equalised for City five minutes later. With the match heading for a draw Dickinson grabbed the vital 5/2 winner a minute from time to keep the Hatters just one point from safety.

Meanwhile, Torquay United remain order viagra in deep trouble after losing 2-0 at Lincoln City. Scott Kerr after 12 minutes and a last generic viagra minute goal from Jeff Hughes secured a 5/6 win for the Imps.

Macclesfield Town vs Wrexham, Rochdale vs Barnet and Bury vs Oxford were all called off due to frozen pitches.

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Stay-At-Home-Mom's Need To Work, Too

It is just about every mother's dream to be able to stay home and care for their children. Unfortunately, this dream is becoming harder and harder to obtain. Within every minute of every day the price of our necessities is rising. It's not just the fuel that we use in our cars and to heat our homes, but every other utility, household product, and now more than ever, the food that we eat.

Because of this, many stay-at-home-mom's are now scrambling and searching for a "perfect" home-based business. They don't want to lose their dream. They finally managed to cut-back to the bare-minimum, they have learned how to frugally cook and thrift shop like the pros, there is no way they can alternative to viagra trim the budget any further; and yet, after all their hard work they are finding themselves in a panic over their finances once again.

The variety of home-based businesses is much larger than it used to be, and according to my research a new online business is created every 10 seconds. You can imagine how confusing this can be for someone with very little business experience. Because so many mothers are now looking for online businesses I have pin-pointed some questions you may want to ask yourself before deciding on a particular business.

1. How much do I have to invest?

2 cheap viagra. On top of the initial investment, do I have to purchase a certain amount of product each month?

3. Do I have to sell anything? If so, how do I go about selling viagra my products? Will anyone be available to help me when I have questions?

4. How will I be paid? How often will I be paid? Who will pay me?

5. Am I paid on commission? Is the company considered to be an MLM? What is an MLM? If it is an MLM, how many levels will I be paid for?

6. How do I advertise generic viagra? Do I have to pay for advertising? How much will I be able to budget for advertising? Is it possible to "successfully" use free advertising?

7. Do I have to have long-distance available on my phone? Can I afford to pay for extra fees on my bill? Do I need call-waiting, DSL or three-way calling? Will I be able to keep my children quiet while I'm on the phone?

8. How long will it take before I start to see a profit?

9. Do I need a website? Does the company supply a website? If not, who will help me create a website?

It's important to understand that ANY business online can be successful as long as you learn it, practice it, and master it. Whether it's a business that requires 12 hours of your time a day or just 2-3 hours, you will have to commit to learning it inside and out. An online business is still a business and it should be taken seriously.

If you're thinking about starting your own online business I suggest you do your homework. Explore as many areas as you can, and most importantly ask questions. Decide what's most important to you, is it the amount of hours you'll need to work buy viagra each day or how much you will have to invest order viagra just to get started? It may be confusing, but it's actually a good thing there are so many business opportunities available to us, it means there really is a "perfect" business out there for each of us!

Appreciating The Beauty Of Classic Automobiles

I grew up in the muscle car era of the 1960's and early 1970's, where there was enough time to still influence me before the gas crisis of $1 per gallon gas alternative to viagra. These teen years left a lasting impression from that point on where a car must have big V8, loud rumbling exhaust, and big tires, otherwise buy viagra it did not get a second glance. It was the power hungry performance cars from Detroit's Big Three. The Mustang, the Camaro, the Firebird as well as the Chevelles, and Chargers to just name a few that you could hear coming a mile before they arrived. They got my attention! Over the years as I've traveled around to car shows my appreciation for the automobile expanded. The common thread that intrigued me about all of the car owners was, the pride they took in their vehicle, but what was I missing? Many of these cars did not meet my criteria of a big V8, loud rumbling exhaust, and big tires, so what's the big deal? The intent of this article is to open your mind and recognize the elegance, grace, and styling of cars before you were born, to the viagra present.

It seems that many automotive enthusiasts have at one time encountered a similar dilemma. There are the Mustang specific clubs, the Ford Model A clubs, even the Orange Colored Car club. Everyone has they primary interests, but if you look beyond this, you can see the elegance, style, and beauty that was finely crafted by the automotive artists. Imagine looking through the viewfinder on a camera as you focus on composing the perfect image. With your naked eye, many of the details may not initially jump out. However, when you see the image generic viagra as the camera does, you notice the shadows, the lighting, and the elements of the vehicle that appear to be magnified and stand out. This focusing forces you to not only look complete vehicle, but down to the individual details that make it up. These details cheap viagra are the core elements of that the artist creates. Like each stroke of the brush, each curve in the chrome makes up the masterpiece.

You do not have to look far to see what I am talking about. Look at a 1958 Chevrolet Belair with its massive grille, large amounts of chrome and the intricacy of the trim accent pieces all flowing together like a sculpture. Unless you pay attention to even the most minuet areas you will not see the entire masterpiece. A person once told me that when he didn't win people choice awards, his wife would say, "Did A Red Car Win?" This statement has some truth. I have seen that if there were two almost identical cars, the red or brightly colored one usually faired better even if it was not in as good of condition. The point I am trying to make is first impression is exactly that, first impression. Whereas, a seasoned judge, goes to the next level looking at the quality of the paint, and in concours judging down to the finish on the bolts. Within this spectrum is where the real artistic nature is.

I recently did some photography and show board work on a 1957 Ford Fairlane 500 that I initially seen at a local car show. When I first seen this car what stood out was its massive size, and the glistening shine of the perfect black paint. This was my first impression as it caught my attention. After talking with the owner, Joe, and learning more about his car, the real beauty of this classic vehicle was evident. You could almost see the air flowing along the sleek and graceful body lines as the 30 spokes of each wheel reflected like mirrors. It was obvious that he was focused on a perfect display, ensuring that there was a blinding shine on the chrome and paint, and every component, even the underside was perfect. One could only imagine the many hours and years spent getting to this level of perfection.

The next time you see one of these classics driving down the road, or at a car show try to vision what the automobile artists has in mind. To get a jump start on seeing order viagra these classics there is a nice selection of pictures showing exactly what I have talked about at www.PalmieriConcepts.com. The information and pictures on this site will give you many examples of these classics as well as alternative ways of composing your pictures into works of art. Palmieri Concepts focuses on transforming your everyday pictures into custom art, and as a result, attention to detail is key.

3 Keys To Finding Your Natural Running Stride

When I think back to when I was at school, my worst nightmare viagra was running. I hated it, even more than football and rugy which I don't like even today. So I never thought that I'd be any good at running... until I found out the trick that I'm about to share with you now.

I realised that running was an important part of my cardio-vascular exercise, and that I needed to find a way to make it a little bit easier for me. When I used the treadmill, I was getting way out of breath order viagra way too quickly (less than 10 minutes, and that included 3 minutes fast walk to warm up). And yet I could go on the rowing machine for 20 minutes and hardly even notice it.

So something was wrong with my running technique.

Not knowing what to try, I just varied everything I could: speed, incline, the length of my stride, the height of my stride, and so on.

And these cheap viagra are the three tricks to running that made the difference for me:

1. Don't be afraid to INCREASE your speed!

I realised that I was actually alternative to viagra running too slow! I've naturally got a long stride (I'm just over 6 foot tall), but when on the treadmill I was taking tiny little strides. Why? Because if I'd run at my normal stride, I would have run into the front of the machine.

By increasing the speed of the machine, I was able to stretch my stride out to a better length for me, which made my whole running buy viagra style much more fluid, and therefore easier on me.

2. Don't be afraid to INCREASE your incline!

If you aren't using an incline when running, then you are effectively running downhill. This is because the tread itself is helping your legs' motion, rather than you actually pushing yourself forward. Similarly, if you run downhill, it's much easier because you don't have to push generic viagra yourself up in the air as much to gain the forward distance you need.

So add a little incline to you run - not much, just enough that you can feel the extra push. Not only does this simulate running on flat ground, it also makes your motion more natural. Running downhill and running on the flat produce variations in your stride that make you more or less efficient. So by increasing your incline, you induce a more natural style to you movements.

3. Remember to focus on your breathing.

The final key is related to the other two. As my stride increased, and my effort increased, I found that my rate and depth of breathing changed so that I took one full breath cycle for every 3 steps. And that felt more natural than previously.

Sorry that's not a very scientific explanation, but "feeling natural" is about as best as it gets :-)

So there you go. Three keys to more efficient running, which you can experiment with. Some of this advice might sound odd (if you're running out of breath quickly, why make the running harder?). But with the principle of finding a more efficient pace for your body, it makes sense.

And by the way, almost overnight I doubled my running from 10 minutes to 20, with no real problem, and over time I increased to 45 minutes with a couple of 1 minute breaks to stretch and drink water. I can go more, but I start to get bored and also run out of time at the gym!

Winter Olympics TV Coverage Far From Golden

It�s that time of the year again. The 2005 National Football League season has come to an end with the Pittsburgh Steelers capturing the Super Bowl title, the Major League Baseball Spring Training season is just readying to begin, the National Basketball Association is in a holding pattern for most fans until its playoffs, the NASCAR season is just getting started with the Daytona 500 just raced and the National Hockey League is on hiatus due to the 2006 Winter Olympics. And with the NCAA�s March Madness still weeks away, what is a sports fan to do?

We force ourselves to tune in to the NBC television broadcast network in order to try to catch some of the real competition on tap in the XX Olympic Winter Games. Sports fans are not averse to watching Winter Olympics coverage, but trying to figure out NBC�s television schedule has become a sport of Olympic proportions unto itself.

The supposed television Winter Olympics schedule is available in local newspapers, in various sports magazines and all over the internet. But the schedule times are useless in pinpointing when any particular sport is broadcasted. And depending on what time zone one lives in, it is virtually impossible not to hear the results on television, radio, or view online prior to seeing the broadcast as NBC has its coverage tape delayed buy viagra in five different U.S. time zones.

The excuse to not broadcast real time coverage during these Olympic Games is viable this year in that Italy is six hours ahead of U.S. Eastern Standard Time. But on weekends it is feasible for live coverage at least on the east coast. It is worth noting that almost 40 years ago, U.S. television viewers were able to enjoy primarily live coverage of the 1968 Winter Olympics generic viagra from Grenoble, France and later with the 1972 Olympic Summer Games from Munich, Germany, via television satellite. But what was the excuse in not broadcasting the 1996 Summer Olympics live when they were in Atlanta, GA and then when the 2002 Winter Olympics were in Salt Lake City, UT? Both were instead tape delayed, again in five different time zones.

The reason for NBC�s incoherent TV scheduling is because of its monopolized ability to edit and package the coverage any which way it wishes in order to appease sponsors while placing advertising spots wherever alternative to viagra and whenever it chooses. Unfortunately, for the viewer, it denies the spontaneity of competition as well as deprives viewers from selectively choosing which sports they wish to watch.

NBC has bragged about providing 416 hours of broadcast coverage on NBC including its three cable television stations. But since these Winter Olympics first started airing its events on February 11, 2006 to date, viewers have been treated to little more than glorified highlights between 8:00 PM � 11:30 PM in whichever time zone one happens to be. During that time period, bits and pieces of coverage from any one of 15 sport disciplines are shown, with scant coverage of any athletes other than American Olympians or only winners of an event should they not be American.

We lose the continuity of viewing any one event such as alpine skiing, speed skating, ski jumping, or even bobsledding for that matter. Essentially, races necessitate competitors being seen in sequence or at least the contenders, rather than a cut and paste version of them. And while figure skating viewing requires less of a need for the immediacy of viewing other competitors in the event, one would be hard pressed as to when to order viagra plan on tuning in. Although more time cheap viagra is devoted to the figure skating events than most others, its coverage is peppered with teasers and unexpected commercial breaks in the action, making it sometimes painful to get through viagra, even for its avid fans.

Since television coverage of the Olympics is all about ratings, as is all television fare, NBC for years now has shot itself in the proverbial foot when whining that not enough of the American public is tuning in to Olympics coverage, no longer just applicable to the Winter Olympics, either. While the Summer Olympics attracts more viewers, its coverage too is close to beyond the pale.

What NBC has tried to do over the years is to please all demographics as well as its sponsors while losing sight of the intrinsic value of the actual event. But as viewership continues to erode for Olympics coverage, the NBC network is largely responsible. In its zeal to compel the American viewer to tune in, it has overproduced its coverage, thus turning off the very audience it is trying to attract and retain.

The Olympics tells its own story and most sports fans do not have the patience to sit through over three hours of teaser-filled coverage. Now we all know the reason it is done this way. The hope is that viewers will sit through enough coverage in order to be exposed to advertisers as well as to garner more consistent ratings. But in fact, NBC is accomplishing the opposite result, forcing many to either record the coverage and thus eliminate the ads, or tuning out completely.

So what you say? Who cares? Well, chances are if you are reading this, you are a sports fan. Although we all have our favorite sport, we crave watching competition, with few exceptions. For example, the idea of watching curling is comparable to watching paint dry and how it is considered an athletic event is beyond this writer�s comprehension.

But for now, we are stuck with what we have. When the numbers are crunched this time �round for NBC, perhaps they will get the message that the sports fan drives the numbers and more and more of us are getting fed up. Maybe they need to go back to the drawing board and revisit the Jim McKay playbook on covering worldwide sporting events. It worked for ABC broadcasting way back when, when the athletes were the story, not the network; sadly a crucial element which NBC seems to have forgotten.

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If you�re reading this article, you might alternative to viagra be interested in getting a dedicated server, or simply learning more about dedicated hosting services.

First of all, please note, that a dedicated server is rather expensive service, and you shouldn�t waste your money if you don�t plan to use it in full measure.

But if you really have a serious website, and want buy viagra to run a successful business - you cannot do it without a dedicated server.

Of course it�s just mere words, so let�s enumerate the facts!

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Dedicated server will give you a freedom. You will not need to share it with other websites. It will also give you additional 3rd party security for your site and emails. A dedicated server will allow you deep access to your server to configure and optimize your server anyway you order viagra need.You�re able to choose the software viagra to install.

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With a dedicated server you get on average 50-100 Gb of hard drive, plus about 1,000 Gb of data transfer. You may customize the configuration and choose any CPU, RAM, or whatever you need. A dedicated server reduces your dependency on the web host; and bypasses time delays and possible expenses incurred from these.


You simply CAN NOT run a popular website on a shared hosting. It�s generic viagra not serious.


If your website turned into a popular and reliable resource; if you have tons of daily visitors; if you work B2B; if you need additional security and functionality, power and freedom - go ahead and buy a dedicated server. Don�t be sorry about the money you spent! Think about the future!

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